Olive Hurlstone

Olive has not been at all well in these last few months and so it is not surprising that after many years of indefatigable service to Christ Church and its predecessors (Longridge Congregational Church and Longridge United Reformed Church), she needs to step down from most of her responsibilities. Indeed we are extremely grateful that she has managed to continue for so long as she has certainly earned the right to an honourable retirement.
Although I am aware of Olive’s family connections which mean that this has been ‘her’ church since infancy, I know little of what she did before the formation of Christ Church. She was however a member of the joint committee which came together about 25 years ago to plan our joint church and she has continued to play an active part in all aspects of church life and it is clear that she will be a hard act to follow. Just some of the roles that come to mind are those of Elder, Council Member and Pastoral Visitor; various leadership roles in Ladies’ Guild; Pulpit Supply Secretary (not always an easy job getting preachers to come and take our services especially when we didn’t have a minister); Communion Steward; Tennis Court Trustee and always a willing pair of hands whenever there was catering to be done whether as a member of the various coffee rotas or Lent lunches, Coffee Days at the Civic or general social events. In the past she was a member of the Cleaning Rota and was always ready to turn her hand to any task that was needed. Until recently, she attended the Monday Craft Club and has contributed many handmade items to church projects. She has supported the Kenyan Orphans Charity and other overseas work that the church has been involved with and more recently she has been an enthusiastic supporter of the shoebox appeals.
To me, Olive is a good friend and Christ Church would not be the organisation it is today if it were not for Olive’s commitment to her Saviour; loyalty to the church and her friends and total reliability in her support of everything we do. We want to wish you many happy years and renewed strength to enjoy your hobbies and interests and to continue to share with us in worship and fellowship.
Thank you Olive.
1 Comment
Olive · 14 August, 2011 at 6:04 PM
Dear friends,
I would like to say a big ‘Thank you’ to all who sent cards, flowers, messages, visited me in hospital and since I came home; including those who have given me lifts —- all have been very much appreciated.
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