Operation Christmas Child 2009

There are many constants in this life, and one of them is that as soon as the schools have gone back, and September is in full swing – the Supermarkets begin to roll out their Christmas Stock!
This means, of course, that the panic to get Christmas organised starts earlier and earlier each year, and for those of us who like a more spontaneous approach to the festive season, it’s just too much!
However, there are some things which we do need to prepare for well in hand, and one of them is this year’s Operation Christmas Child campaign. For some this will be a very familiar event, but for others will leave them confused as to what is going on. So here is an attempt to let you know how our 2009 campaign will happen!
Now is a good time to begin collecting shoe boxes, Christmas wrapping paper and various items to go in the boxes. Covering the boxes with Christmas paper beforehand will save time later, and get you into the spirit of things!
If you are not sure whether you want to prepare a box yourself, or just contribute to one, take a look at one of the leaflets, situated in the church foyer. Then take it home and inwardly digest!
Each leaflet will give you details about what the shoe boxes are for and an idea of where and who they go to, the age ranges involved, and the gifts which are acceptable to include – in fact, everything you need to know!
If you decided that doing a whole box is too much, then please think about contributing with a few of the items. All donations can then be used to complete whole boxes.
Lastly, make a note in your diary about the ‘Fill a shoe box’ morning, to be held at Christ Church on the 31st October, from 9.00 – 12.30, where we will be setting up a ‘production line’ to complete boxes for the ‘Shoe Box Celebration Service’ on Sunday 1st November, and generally having fun, food and fellowship! (Bacon sandwiches, a possibility!?!)
So, nothing to it really!! – and the fact that many of you are already getting prepared and thinking ahead is great – so why not encourage a friend or neighbour to come along and help out too?
If there is anything you are not sure of, please contact me and I will do my best to help.
Thank you so much for helping to bring hope and a smile to many children who would otherwise never know this gift of love.
Yours in Christ, Helen <><