Music in the Afternoon – September 2015

A ‘Music in the Afternoon’ concert held on September 6th at Christ Church has raised money for the ongoing aid needed in Nepal following the earthquakes in April and May.
Guest performers for the 10th in the series, Jane Pembleton-Smyth and Fenella Haworth-Head brought a varied programme of pieces ranging from Bach to ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’.
Jane, a flautist with 30 years experience in teaching, has also performed in Master Classes and concerts around the North West and is a regular member of Preston Flute Group.
The first half featured the popular ‘Badinerie’ from Bach’s Suite No 2 in B minor and Rimsky-Korsakov’s ‘Flight of the Bumble Bee’. Contrasting with these were delightful, lyrical pieces which demonstrated both Jane’s technical expertise and her impressive breath control.
As well as playing pieces which demonstrated the virtuosic capabilities of the modern flute, Jane also played the Alto Flute. ‘Le Chant du Vent’ by Donjon demonstrated this lower pitched member of the flute family very well. In her very relaxed style, Jane presented the audience throughout with informative introductions about both the history of the flute and the music being played.
Fenella, like Jane, studied at the Royal Northern College of Music, graduating in 1987. A piano teacher by profession, she has regularly accompanied soloists all around the North West. She and Jane present themselves as a very successful partnership and perform together with a great passion giving careful attention to the demands of the music. Fenella chose a Grieg Notturno and Arabesque No 1 by Debussy for her solo performances. She showed great flair and musicality in her interpretation of these expressive pieces.
The programme moved on through Romantic styles into the 20th century with a mesmerising performance of Debussy’s ‘Syrinx’, a Lament for a Fallen Wood Nymph. More modern film themes brought this most enjoyable concert to a close. These consisted of three of Henry Mancini’s orchestral works, arranged for flute and piano by James Galway. Following appreciative applause, the audience was treated to yet another gentle, lyrical piece, ‘Alone in the Rain’ as an encore.
John Spencer took opportunity in the break, to give an insight into the ongoing work in Nepal in the aftermath of the devastating earthquakes and the need for continuing support of their established mission partners.
Ticket sales and donations amounted to £400 for Aid for Nepal though ‘All We Can’ (The Methodist Relief and Development Fund)
Carol Rose