Janet & Jim

We would like to thank all our friends at Christ Church for the wonderful send off that was arranged for us. To Helen for a most memorable service “Going on a journey.” We will never forget it. To Pam and the catering committee for all the delicious food prepared thank you and to everybody who stayed to help eat it and offer their good wishes to us. We had much pleasure spending the most generous cheque presented to us. We chose a blue duvet cover, pillowcases and curtains from Laura Ashley. Our bedroom looks beautiful. Thank you to everybody for everything.
We are enjoying our new house very much. With all the boxes now empty, we are exploring our new surroundings. Winchester was our first choice for a few nights in our motorhome. It proved to be a beautiful and interesting old city. The Thames footpath is providing all our walks at the moment and the hot, sunny weather is perfect. In 5 weeks we have had one evening of rain. Good for us but not our garden.
Hampton Hill UR Church has been our choice of Church for the past 2 weeks but there are another 2 Churches a little further away which we may visit before making a decision. We miss Christ Church very much.
Our best wishes to all
Janet and Jim