Connexion Zone @ Christ Church

For some time now, Connexion Zone has been an initiative run by John Spencer, myself, and a handful of volunteers. It grew from the ‘Pram Service’ we hosted, with nursery and reception children from Barnacre Road School and the 2toSchool Playgroup which meets on our premises – and became ‘Connexion Zone’ in order to develop it into a programme of outreach to children in the community.
As we are all aware, the lack of children and young people in our Sunday morning worship is a cause of sadness and concern – but it is not one that we face alone.
The amount of choice that children and families face these days is enormous – sports and recreational activities, family time, all make demands on what little free time people have – and often coming to the traditional Sunday morning worship is simply not a priority for many.
As a church, it means that we must adapt in how we ‘do church’ – and the once a month Sunday afternoon Connexion Zone – is an attempt to respond to this.
The response, up to now, to this ‘Second Sunday’ initiative has been small but positive – but we’ve all had a great time exploring the ‘Story’, ‘Song’, ‘Games’, ‘Craft’, and ‘Picnic’ Zones. Currently we are using material from the BBC ‘Friends and Heroes’ series – but this may change and develop as time goes by.
What we need from our faith community and beyond, is the willingness to participate, to get involved – both physically, and by seeking God’s will for this venture through prayer and reflection. We also need you to spread the word – to encourage families to come along – to make the ‘Connexion’.
We still host the half-term, Wednesday morning Connexion Zone – and for this we do need those willing to come along and help serve refreshments to the children, teachers and parents who attend, and simply be the ‘face’ of Christ Church.
The next editions of ‘Connexion Zone’ will be on Sunday 9th December at 3pm (helpers need to be there by 2.30, please), and Wednesday 12th December at 10am (helpers by 9.30, please). Why not put the dates in your diary!
My thanks go to those who have already helped to get this venture off the ground – my hope is that it will continue to grow and develop as we seek to ‘Live for Christ, at the heart of the Community’
Yours in Christ,
Helen <><