April Ramble – Beacon Fell – River Brock

The walk this month embraced two of the best features of our local area, which are probably well known to everyone.
Starting from the main car park at Beacon Fell on a pleasant and clear morning, we started the ascent through the forest to the trig point at the summit. Here we stopped to admire the view before starting the desent and we were greeted with a strong, cold northerly wind which stayed with us down to the lower area and the farms. After a short road section, we entered the fields again via a series of stiles and walked down a long field to a lane and a stile to connect with it. Unfortunately, the stile was in the next field, so we had to retrace our steps and return down the correct one. Sorry!
We were now on the quiet lane leading to Bleasdale and on to the River Brock, where a well hidden stile led us on to the river path. The beautiful river valley was just starting to bloom and may be at its best in a week’s time.
Here we had the choice of the old path, a bit tricky in places, or an alternative along adjacent fields, which was quite boggy. We chose the former which meandered along the river bank and eventually arrived at the Waddacar Scout Camp, were our peace was shattered by hundreds of young Beaver Scouts! However, we had our lunch stop here, sat on a log overlooking the quietly flowing river.
Lunch over, we continued along the pleasant river path as far as Brockmill and the familiar car park. We try, if possible, not to end our walks with a hill, but unfortunately, this one was the exception. We started our climb back up to the fell along the steep White Lee Lane and then entered the field paths, initially through a small copse and then up to Beacon Fell itself, through the woods and back to the car park.
We had twice, recently, changed this walk for an alternative, waiting for the right conditions to make the most of what it had to offer. I think that we all agreed that the wait was worthwhile. — Linda & Eddie Grange.